The most beloved of the Father [2]
Vatican, Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Dear brothers and sisters,
In the last audience we spoke about children, and today too we will talk about children. Last week we focused on how, in his work, Jesus repeatedly spoke of the importance of protecting, welcoming and loving the little ones.
Yet, even today in the world, hundreds of millions of minors, despite not being of the minimum age to undergo the obligations of adulthood, are forced to work and many of them are exposed to particularly dangerous work; not to mention the boys and girls who are slaves to trafficking for prostitution or pornography, and forced marriages. And this is rather bitter. In our societies, unfortunately, there are many ways in which children are abused and mistreated. Child abuse, of whatever nature, is a despicable act, it is a heinous act. It is not simply a blight on society, no, it is a crime! And it is a gross violation of God’s commandments. No child should be abused. Even one case is already too many. It is therefore necessary to awaken our consciences, to practice closeness and genuine solidarity with abused children and young people, and at the same time to build trust and synergies between those who are committed to offering them opportunities and safe places in which to grow up serenely. I know a country in Latin America, where a special fruit grows, very special, which is called arándano [a species of cranberry]. Harvesting the arándano requires tender hands, and they make children do it, they enslave them as children to harvest it.
Widespread poverty, the shortage of social support tools for families, the increased marginality in recent years along with unemployment and job insecurity are factors that burden the youngest with the highest price to pay. In the metropolises, where the social divide and moral decay “bite”, there are children engaged in drug dealing and the most diverse illicit activities. How many of these children have we seen fall as sacrificial victims! Sometimes tragically they are induced to become “executioners” of their peers, as well as damaging themselves, their dignity and humanity. And yet, when on the street, in the neighbourhood of the parish, and these lost lives present themselves before our eyes, we often look the other way.
There is also a case in my country: a boy called Loan has been abducted and his whereabouts are unknown. And one of the theories is that he has been sent to have his organs removed, for transplants. And this happens, as you well know. This happens! Some return with a scar, others die. This is why today I would like to remember this boy Loan.
It pains us to recognize the social injustice that drives two children, perhaps living in the same neighbourhood or apartment block, to take diametrically opposed paths and destinies because one of them was born into a disadvantaged family. An unacceptable human and social divide: between those who can dream and those who must succumb. But Jesus wants us all free and happy; and if He loves every man and woman as His son and daughter, He loves the little ones with all the tenderness of His heart. That is why He asks us to stop and listen to the suffering of the voiceless, the uneducated. Fighting exploitation, especially child exploitation, is the way to build a better future for the whole of society. Some countries have had the wisdom to put children’s rights in writing. Children have rights. Look yourselves on the internet to find out what children’s rights are.
And so, we can ask ourselves: what can I do? First of all, we must recognize that, if we want to eradicate child labour, we cannot be complicit in it. And when is this the case? For example, when we purchase products that involve child labour. How can we eat and dress, knowing that behind that food and those garments there are exploited children, who work instead of going to school? Find out where those products come from. Awareness of what we purchase is a first act in order not to be complicit. Some will say that, as individuals, we cannot do much. True, but each one can be a drop that, together with many other drops, can become a sea. However, institutions, including church institutions, and companies must also be reminded of their responsibility: they can make a difference by shifting their investments to companies that do not use or permit child labour. Many states and international organizations have already enacted laws and directives against child labour, but more can be done. I also urge journalists – there are some journalists here – to do their part: they can help raise awareness of the problem and help find solutions. Do not be afraid, denounce, denounce these things.
And I thank all those who do not turn away when they see children forced to become adults too soon. Let us always remember the words of Jesus: “Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me” (Mt 25:40). Saint Teresa of Calcutta, a joyful worker in the vineyard of the Lord, was a mother to the most disadvantaged and forgotten girls and boys. With the tenderness and attention of her gaze, she can accompany us to see the invisible little ones, the too many slaves of a world that we cannot abandon to its injustices. Because the happiness of the weakest builds the peace of all. And with Mother Theresa, let us give voice to the children:
“I ask for a safe place
where I can play.
I ask for a smile
From someone who knows how to love.
I ask for the right to be a child,
to be the hope
Of a better world.
I ask to be able to grow
as a person.
Can I count on you?" (Saint Teresa of Calcutta)
Thank you.
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Jesus, before he began his ministry came to John the Baptist to be baptized. John’s baptism was called baptism of repentance, a symbol of sorrow for sins and desire for change. Why did Jesus, who is Son of God and without sin ask to be baptized? Hebrews 4:15 gives the answer, “For the high priest we have [Jesus] is not incapable of feeling our weakness with us, but has been put to the test in exactly the same way as ourselves, apart from sin”. Jesus was standing with sinners; he came to be with us sinners, he who is without sin, who is Emmanuel, God with us! A heavenly voice was heard at Jesus’ baptism, ‘this is my beloved Son’. God was introducing his Son Jesus to the world and authorizing his ministry for the redemption of the world.
The baptism Jesus spoke about was baptism in the Spirit, a new life, to be born again. To baptize means to immerse; we are immersed into the Spirit and sent into the world as messengers of the kingdom of God, kingdom’s love, justice, peace and joy. In our baptism, God called us his beloved sons and daughters in Christ; we received a mission or anointing that we may illumine all aspects of life by the light of faith, personal and social life. This faith is a wealth beyond compare that God invested in us.
Once, a holy man during his travels settled down under a tree for the night. Then, a man from the nearby village came running up to him and said, the stone! the stone! Give me the precious stone! What stone? asked the holy man. The man said, last night the Lord appeared to me in a dream and told me that if I went to the outskirts of the village in the evening I should find a holy man who would give me a precious stone that would make me rich forever. The holy man searched in his bag and pulled out a stone and said, he probably meant this one and gave the man the stone. I found it in a forest some days ago and you can certainly take it. The man gazed at the stone in wonder. It was a diamond, perhaps the largest diamond in the whole world. All night he tossed about in bed unable to sleep. Next morning he came to the holy man and said, give me the wealth that makes it possible for you to give away this diamond so easily.
Saints were mindful of this unparalleled wealth we have, our faith! Knowing Christ Jesus and his saving grace, Paul said, I consider everything else rubbish [Philippians 3:8] and they wouldn’t replace faith with anything this created world can offer! Blessed Carlo Acutis [soon to be canonized as saint], Italian teenager and a beloved patron of young people today, is called ‘God influencer’. He died of cancer age 15! His mother Antonia said, she wasn’t a believer as a teenager; it was after Carlo’s birth things changed in her life and found faith. Even as a little boy Carlo was attached to Jesus. He would often ask his mother to join him to pray the rosary. Antonia says Carlo desired to bring people to Jesus. We can say, John the Baptist was God influencer, he showed Jesus to the world; we too became God influencers in our baptism to walk the way of Christ and show the world the power of the Spirit that changes everything and through the power of our prayer we remove darkness, hopelessness, and all malice and restore peace, goodness!
Grace of our baptism constantly invites us to be transformed and remain in Christ. But often we are oppressed by our own thinking, attitudes, made poor by poor choices, imprisoned or trapped by anger or by the need for vengeance, and spiritually unhealthy. Jesus servant of God, who is mercy and forgiveness would erase all such diminishing things in life when we repent [repent=turn around and gaze on Christ] and reclaim our dignity as friends of Jesus and he would empower us with the Spirit that we may be servants of the gospel of Christ. And God would say about us, ‘behold my servant’.
We are grateful to the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana for the $3,000 dollars we received through a grant from the Greatest Needs Endowment or Parish Assistance Endowment. The total amount for the ventilation and air exchange project in the parish center was $6,338. Without the help of the generous donations to these two Endowments, it would have taken us much longer to get this project finished. With the system in place, we will get rid of the musty smell and make the parish center much more pleasant for everyone that uses our facility. Thank you Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana for your generosity!
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