Christian calling is to be transfigured or to be like Christ. When Jesus says ‘follow me’,
he is inviting us to make the gospel our life’s agenda, to let the good news of Christ
illumine our vision and that we become agents of transformation in society, to transform
systems that wage wars, create discrimination, enmity and conflicts. Lent is Jesus
taking us to the mountain of God experience, saying to us, ‘come away with me from
the busyness of your life and be enlightened by me’. On the mountain, Jesus revealed
to his disciples a glimpse of who he truly is’! This happened after Peter confessed that
Jesus is Christ, Son of God. Jesus then talked about his suffering and death. The
disciples were then in denial, no cross, no suffering should happen to you, Lord, they
said! Seeing the transfigured Jesus, they were silent, awestruck, asking themselves,
who is this? He is the beloved Son of God and not a return of Moses or Elijah.
Transfiguration is Jesus’ promise to us that our destiny is to share his glory and see the
true meaning of life through the darkness and clouds that overshadow us. Sickness,
fear, suffering etc. often paralyze us. Abraham who had no children couldn’t believe
God’s promise that his descendants would be numerous like stars in heaven and when
God gave him a sign, he was sitting in a terrible darkness but he learned to trust in
God’s plan for him. C.S. Lewis, as he was dealing with his wife Joy’s cancer, said 'God
simply wants us to love and grow up. We are like in a nursery [the wide world] and we
are happy with our toys [things we possess, including good health, we think would give
us joy]. Something must drive us out of this nursery to the world of others’. This
something, he says, is suffering! Some form of cross is inevitable in this life but by
moving to the world of others to love and help that we transfigure our suffering.
Transfiguration of Christ reminds us that God’s covenant with us or promise is his love
that in Christ we become God’s beloved, and that should change our vision, help us to
learn to look at the world through the eyes of Christ. This would heal violence in human
hearts, end hatred of each other, wars or Cain killing his brother Abel, that makes God
weep [happening in Ukraine and other parts of the world]. Reflection on the
Transfiguration of Christ gives us the strength to deal with our crosses, experiences of
betrayals, failures and brutality; we realize true triumph of life is in love, forgiveness and
reconciliation. The disciples were afraid as they watched Jesus transfigured but then
heard the voice, ‘this is my beloved Son, my chosen One, listen to him’. Listening to
Jesus, walking with him, removes our fears, gives us comfort and hope in all life
experiences, because, now we know the other side [heavenly dimension] of what
happens in this life.