The good shepherd is an image of Jesus so dear to us. Sheep and shepherd imagery shows a relationship of intimacy, union and the sheep responding to the shepherd’s call. The sheep move to pastures where the shepherd leads. Every sheep is unique and the shepherd respects and cares for each one uniquely. The shepherd values the gifts each sheep has. We the church as flock of Christ make intelligent, faith filled choices to follow Jesus the good shepherd. We are not blind followers! Listening to the shepherd’s voice requires discernment, obedience and a decision to follow. Following Jesus the Good Shepherd is to remain in his love.
When Jesus said, ‘I am the Good Shepherd’, he knew the life of a shepherd in first century Palestine; a shepherd needed to be ready to give up his life to protect his sheep from wild animals. A rescue mission is also part of this shepherd’s job description, because the sheep tend to be often distracted and they scatter. Shepherd goes after them, carry the weak and injured on his shoulders and feed them. Jesus as good shepherd invests his whole life in the wellbeing of his flock. He gave up his life to redeem all by his love and mercy.
The problem we often face is our inability to experience union with God and others; our mind is engaged in thoughts of separation and not fellowship. What are the voices we listen to, voices in the family, in the church? Are they voices of kindness, generosity, forgiveness and healing? Discern the voices that disrupt our relationships, that generate anger, violence and hatred, voices that betray our values and hurt people we love and voices that take us away from the good shepherd. The knowledge that Jesus the good shepherd is beside us to speak to us words of comfort, hope and healing helps us to experience peace. We are called to reflect in us the concern and care of the good shepherd for the poor, vulnerable, the suffering and for those caught in violence and wars. The good shepherd walks into the dangers the sheep often wanders into. Tribulations are not taken away from us, neither from Jesus, he embraced the cross. Voice of the good shepherd is an invitation to find peace within the daily crosses, and return to the good shepherd with trust if wandered away.
Mother’s day story: For my mother, Wednesday evening was special. She would put on
her good dress, put her prayer book into her handbag and be off to the women’s
meeting at the parish. This was after nine hours of work each day. She had such rough
hands but could caress me so wonderfully. And whenever she got back from those
meetings, the next morning I would have a nice piece of pie or cake on my plate. She
would always say that it was left over and so she took it. Well, one Wednesday evening
my mother was at the women’s meeting, so I ran off to the parish grounds. I hid behind
the bushes and peeped into the room where the women met and I saw my mother
there; she looked so nice. After the meeting, the women had some coffee and cakes.
Then I saw my mother go to the cake platter, took a piece and wrapped it and put it
into her handbag. Suddenly I felt guilty for having seen all this. The cakes I have eaten
were not leftovers. My mother had not eaten hers, just so I could have it. I thought, I
wouldn’t dare take another piece of that cake. But in the morning when I saw the cake in my plate, I couldn’t say anything; I couldn’t disappoint her, she only wanted to make me happy. So I ate the cake but it never tasted the same again! In this life, a mother’s love is the closest we can find like that of the good shepherd!