The dramatic presentation of the Last Judgment is the end of the great discourse of
Jesus in Mathews gospel. Jesus is the Messiah the Christ, that makes him king; king is
also called shepherd in Jewish tradition; he is Son of man and that gives him power as
judge of the universe because by becoming man, Son of God became one of us and
part of the created universe. First reading gives the image of God as shepherd, his
concern for the weak and the lost. We share in the ministry of Jesus as king, as we
were anointed king, priest and prophet in our baptism. King’s role is to serve his people
and gospel says they include the hungry, thirsty, sick, prisoners, sinners, all who
experience many forms of abuses. It is amazing to note in the last judgment scene the
standard for judging is: how did you live the commandment, ‘love your neighbor’, a life
of caring and sharing, a life of giving without even noticing? The gospel is in a way the
conclusion of the parable of the talents; how do you use your gifts; how do you live
In the Lord’s prayer we pray for the coming of the kingdom of God and God’s will be
established on our world. God’s will is man fully alive! that is to bring peace, healing,
reconciliation and joy to all we encounter in life. Christ the king became our food and
drink in the Eucharist. He opens our eyes to the Millions go hungry in our world, to the
scarcity of clean water in many countries and human indifference to care for creation.
The king asks: how did you bring spiritual and physical healing to the wounded
humanity and creation? How did you bring to action the faith you profess in me? The
upright are those who had the mind of Christ whose words are good-news of comfort,
encouragement and peace and whose actions made visible the Christ in them. Those
who on the left side of the king are not necessarily sinners, perhaps even pious people
but they overlooked love of neighbor, did not move by human misery, suffering! Their
faith remained dormant and they buried their talent! It is not enough doing nothing or
not sinning but Christians are called to be proactive in loving and make present in their
lives the kingdom of Christ the king. You help many charities and in our own small way
we help the church in Haiti to show our solidarity with the poor and suffering of the
world! During this pandemic the healthcare workers, essential workers and all who care
for the sick and needy live the spirit of todays gospel!
Gospel teaches that the essence of human wellbeing is compassion! Dr. Karl
Menninger, the famous psychiatrist, once gave a lecture on mental health and then
answered questions from the audience. One man asked: what would you advise a
person to do if that person felt a nervous breakdown coming on? Most people
expected him to reply: consult a psychiatrist. To their astonishment he replied: ‘I will tell
that person, lock up your house, go across the railway tracks, find someone in need
and do something to help that person. Don’t sit and pout; get up and do something. All
aspects of Christian life must be governed by love. It is God’s love that judges and
separates what is not of love. The fire mentioned in the gospel is life waisted away and
satan is self-deceived existence! Christ the king brought a revolution of love. This love
takes into consideration all human experiences. We are servants, ministers of Christ
the king to embark on a mission to change world into his kingdom through love!